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LZ3F-100×300B Copy-routing Drilling Machine for Aluminum Door & window


Copy-routing Drilling Machine for Aluminum Door & window
Product Details
●Used for copy-routing processing various kinds of holes, grooves and water-slots.
●It has features of compact structure and small volume, the air pressure drives the clamping.
●It can achieve continuous copy-routing milling, easy operation and safety.

Technical parameters
Input power:1.85Kw
Power supply:380V/50Hz
Air pressure:0.6~0.8MPa
Three-hole drill diameter:Φ12mm
Three-hole center distance:21.5×21.5mm
Diameter of milling cutter:Φ5、Φ8mm
Copy-routing Range:300×100mm
Overall dimension:950×1100×1500mm

Consulting: LZ3F-100×300B Copy-routing Drilling Machine for Aluminum Door & window
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