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Zhenghua CNC MachineHigh-end door and window machine manufacturer

LXF-90×290 Single-head Copy-routing Milling Machine


Single-head Copy-routing Milling Machine
Product Details
●It is used for processing water slots, pulley groove, lock-hole, hardware hole and all of other groove of PVC and aluminum windows and doors.
●The standard mold board to control the size of the holes shape, the milling scale is 1:1.
●Be equipped with high speedy copy routing milling head to ensure the milling precision.
●The double step copy-routing needle design suitable for different size of the holes.
●It can processing different grooves controlled through the ruler.

Technical Parameters
Power supply:380V/50Hz
Input power:0.75kw 
Milling cutter diameter:φ5、φ8mm
Copy-routing range:290×90mm
Copy-routing head diameter:φ5、φ8mm
Overall dimension:900×700×1500mm

Consulting: LXF-90×290 Single-head Copy-routing Milling Machine
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